Social Media Marketing

The Best Times to Post on Facebook

Facebook is one of the most used social media platforms by everyone. That is why Facebook is the first to know about the multi-trends spreading among us. It can often be seen that a lot is changing based on Facebook and social media. Social media platforms like Facebook provide an opportunity for everyone to post comments and create an environment to know and understand varied opinions on different topics.

It’s not useful if no one sees the best or most meaningful post of yours. So there is some time to post on Facebook. It depends on your audience, and the time they are most active on Facebook. The success of anything posted on Facebook is largely determined by the time it is published – different audiences have varied priorities, daily routines, work schedules, etc. In this article, we will discuss in detail the importance of time in posting on Facebook and the best times of the day to post on Facebook.

The Best Times to Post on Facebook

Importance of Time while Posting on Facebook

The Facebook algorithm does not show a post once and for all in front of your friends and followers. If people are interested in it, the next twenty will show up soon. That’s why it’s important to have good publicity in our posts within the first few hours.

So when, on what day, and under what circumstances you post is very important. For example, if you write about an incident as soon as it happens or when a controversy is burning, you will get an immediate response from people. The algorithm will promote it well. If you post more deeply on the same topic a week later, it will not get any reach.

How to Find the Best Time to Post on Facebook?

Finding the best possible time to post on Facebook can help you promote your content while increasing the number of people who see it, even if Facebook’s total reach is declining. Let’s look at how to find the best Facebook publishing golden hour so that you can easily improve customer involvement and elevate your content. Let’s find out;

  • Post when Followers are Active

One of the simplest methods to work with Facebook is to post when your followers are online. You may increase the chances that your material will reach and connect with your followers by estimating when they are likely to be reading their feeds. Knowing when your followers are online is as simple as looking at your stats for your strategy.

  • Post at Different Times

When is it preferable to publish content? Of course, this is the “billion-dollar question”. The perfect time to post content is determined by the audience you wish to reach. According to Buzzsumo’s study, the best times to interact are late at night and on weekends. Experimenting with different days and times for posting messages is the key to determining which days and times generate the most interaction and reach your primary audience.

  • Know your Audiences

Find out who your fans are and when they have time to read your messages by getting to know your audience. Assume that most of your fans are parents with little children. They most likely get up early and spend a significant amount of time online. Check to see whether now is a good moment to post something. The audience’s location, age, gender, and interests will appear on the left side of the website, while analytics will appear on the right.

If you already know which country the bulk of your followers are from, fill in the “Location” column with that information. If you’re unsure, leave the field blank and proceed to the “Location” tab, which will list the cities and countries where most of your subscribers live and the languages they speak. So, with a little logic and testing, you can figure out when your fans are online and have enough time to post messages. You can also see what interests them and what you may post to attract their interest.

  • Track your Competitor’s Posts

Examining the competitors closely is always a smart idea. You can ‘crack the code’ of when to post by watching when they share content. It would help if you also considered how their posts are received. Is there a lot of participation? Is it more noticeable at specific times?

Clicks, mentions, shares, and comments are all examples of engagement. These interactions are essential if you want your posts to go viral. Because you and your direct competitors share an audience, the most convenient times for them should also be suitable for you. You have to make sure your material is better and more interesting once you’ve set that time.

  • Never Post Too Many Posts at a Time

Don’t fill your schedule with too many posts. Posting something you’re confident with will work. It is recommended that you post the content according to established timetables and analyze your followers’ behavior. Keep in mind to verify the suitable content if you want to gain from this method.

What is the Best Posting Time on Facebook?

Whether it is for work, entertainment, or personal purposes, Facebook is accessed widely on both desktop and mobile devices based on different audiences. In many industries, the optimal time to publish is at 9:00 a.m., when people are just starting to work and go online. There is also a spike in clicks between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm, when many people are on their lunch break. The largest click-through rate is found between 1 pm and 4 pm on weekdays, while the highest engagement rate is observed on Thursdays and Fridays after the week.

On Fridays, Facebook traffic usually increases by 10%. Since people are happy on Friday, experts advise publishing lively content to suit the audience’s mood. The worst time to post on Facebook is the weekend before 8.00 and after 20.00. Weekends and holidays will have different statistics than weekdays. Furthermore, many individuals are at home on weekends, when there should be more activity, but this is not the case. Nowadays, many people choose to spend their time with friends or play their favorite games.

However, activity will be lower on weekends and holidays, and it might be difficult to determine the best time to post these days because it all depends on how subscribers organize their day.

Re-statistical success while posting at various times during the week and on weekends. Begin with posting on several days and times of the week (morning, noon, afternoon, and evening), with the evening as the best option. If you notice that your Facebook page followers are most active in the evenings from 5 pm to 9 pm, you should schedule updates for 5 pm, 6 pm, and 7 pm Monday through Friday, and 9 pm on two weekends (Saturday and Sunday).

As mentioned above, it is time to post generalized posts on Facebook.

Depending on the nature of the content, the timing of their posting may vary. Let’s see what they are;

  • Product Posts

In the middle of the week, consumer goods brands emerge online. Most office workers “stick” to their news feeds at this time. From 10:00 am until 5:00 pm, Wednesday through Friday. Daily, before 8 am and after 5 pm, there is a substantially lower level of interaction.

  • Informative Content Posts

In the morning, information, and in the evening, entertainment. The human brain is structured so that it grasps and assimilates information more quickly in the morning after being refreshed by sleep. As a result, posting valuable benefits, long reads, and information for reflection in the morning is preferable.

  • Entertainment Content Posts

People have worked all day, are tired, and have operated with serious stuff; thus, entertaining content, games, tests, and memes will do better in the evening and closer to night.

  • Educational Content Posts

Compared to other industries, educational content is much more popular throughout the morning and evening hours. On weekends, there are often some bursts of activity. However, the best coverage is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 and Saturday from 12:00 to 21:00. Wednesday at 9:00 am and Saturday at 5:00 pm are the best times. Wednesday is ideal. Sunday is the worst day for this type of post.

  • Advertisement Content Posts

It would be best if you also examine who your potential client is while placing an advertisement. It is preferable to publish the post in the evening if you target working people. If these are homemakers, you can publish them at any time of the day. However, it has been observed that the news feed is overloaded in the evening, as a massive stream of postings falls on users, so there is a good chance that your post will be lost among the others, and the user will not see it.

The Golden Period of Posting on Facebook

You can rely on the fact and the previous factors to better grasp the golden period for posting on Facebook. In reality, no one will be online on Facebook between 9 am and 10 am to connect with your posts because everyone is at work. Or, if you post between 5 pm and 6 pm when everyone gets off work, there will certainly be few people reading and commenting on it. It can be deduced from this that the golden hour is the period when most people are using Internet devices; if you post at this time, your article will reach a larger audience and result in higher engagement. And increase conversion efficiency. Here are some golden times of day when there are a lot of people online:

  • 7 am-8 am: This is when people begin to get up, eat breakfast, go on Facebook, read newspapers, and watch the news. You must post light subjects and interesting content during this period. However, do not list any things for sale.
  • 12 noon to 2 pm: It’s lunchtime so people will be online a lot. As a result, you can use this time to post products.
  • 7-9 pm: After a long day at work, people will come closer to their phones for enjoyment and relaxation. As a result, it is the busiest time of day (especially the golden hour which peaks at 7.45 pm). This is also the most advantageous time to sell. Time constraints will no longer bind people. They’ll have more time to read your lengthy content and listen to product recommendations.
  • 22h-00h night: The “night owls” are active for the time being. You should keep product announcements to a minimum at this point. Instead, sharing emotive stories with the target audience is more successful and relevant.


The ability to capture the golden hour on Facebook is critical to the success of services on the platform. It helps to enhance interaction, but it also increases your client reach. Choosing the appropriate time to submit the right Facebook post will assist your business financially while promoting your content and products.

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Simran Kaur

Simran works as a technical writer. The graduate in MS Computer Science from the well known CS hub, aka Silicon Valley, is also an editor of the website. She enjoys writing about any tech topic, including programming, algorithms, cloud, data science, and AI. Traveling, sketching, and gardening are the hobbies that interest her.

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