Digital Marketing

What Is Search Engine Marketing & How It Can Help Your Business

SEM is the best way to grow your business online by attracting more customers via online sources like social media, web searches, and more.

Marketers must invest a reasonable amount of time in organizing white-hat marketing strategies to improve their organic rankings.

The truth is, you won’t see results if you don’t put money behind it. This is where search engine marketing comes into play. In search engine marketing, you spend money on ads to get your website on the first page of the search engine results page.

My Google search only lasted a minute. Your business must appear at the top of the SERP whenever a user searches for your products or services. We will help you find the true purpose of search engine marketing and how you should use it for your benefit. So let’s begin.

SEM Search Engine Marketing

SEM is the online marketing technique where you create paid ads for your website or web page to ensure your business is visible on the search engine. The paid ads will appear in the search results when a user types the specific keyword in their query. With implementing SEM, you can appear in the search results for the search query.

For example, if you have searched for “Best Smartphones” on Google search. When you do this, the SERP will show you the results both from the ads and organic search. In some cases, it might happen that the webpage that is shown as the first result on a SERP could also be running ads for the same keyword. As a result, you will see its ad also pop up on the top of the first result. More than 35% of the total searches on the internet start with Google, and the average.

Importance of Search Engine Marketing

The number of people who are getting their first experience of the internet is increasing with each minute on the clock. People are shopping for products online; buying tickets online for the movies; searching for the next destination for their road trips; and more. As a result, search engine marketing has become essential in order to increase the reach of your business online.

In fact, most of the visitors that visit a website find the specific website only when it appears in the search results. When you are doing search engine marketing, you are only paying for the impressions that actually result in visitors.

Just think about yourself; whenever there is something you want to know about, what is the first thing you do? Do you check the Google search engine or do you check the same query on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and more? The obvious answer would be to look for the result in a Google search query.

According to the research, 61% of online consumers take the help of search engines to read the reviews and other specifications of the product before making a purchase. This means that if you are selling products and services, ranking your website higher on the search results page is a must for you.

How does SEM Work?

Both SEM and SEO are the fundamental parts of your online marketing strategies. This is because the algorithms on which search engines are working and showing results are getting more sophisticated daily. As a result, you really need to put great thought into paid search advertising strategies so your website can rank higher in the searches that are relevant to your business and give you online customers as well.

There are online tools present to help you monitor competitors’ ad copy and landing pages. These tools will show you the essential places where you need to optimize your landing page and work on the keywords in order to beat the competition and rank higher than the rest of the companies who are fighting for the first position.

When you are performing search engine marketing, you are going to pay for the impressions that will result in visitors to your web page or landing page, depending on your requirements. Because of this concept, the most successful campaign strategy for SEM is Pay-per-Click. Search engine optimization allows you to reach the audience when they are searching for the solution you can provide. This also makes the PPC advertising a little less intrusive in the first place.

On the other hand, a very successful SEM campaign will also affect your SEO and make your website rank higher organically when attracting a high amount of user traffic from the search engine. It will show the search engine that your website has the content that users are looking for, and thus, it will boost your ranking so more people can quickly reach your website and get the results they are looking for.

Why do you Need to Perform Keyword Research for Paid Searches?

Think of performing keyword research as eating healthy fruits to keep your body energized while maintaining a low-fat ratio. With a better keyword, you can easily attract more users to your website while paying less per click. The paid ads on the Google search engine appear on the top of the result page and at the bottom as well. The number of ads will be fixed, and you will get four spots, two at the top and two at the bottom of the search engine result page.

These four positions that Google provides you with will surely yield better results. But Google will assist you up to this point; what you do after that depends on how well you know your audience. You need to create relevant content for your users so they don’t have to look elsewhere once they open your website.

Thus, when you are working to create a successful SEM strategy, you also need to work on other aspects of marketing, such as content that you will post on the landing page of your website. The idea behind a great search marketing campaign is that it is able to reach users at the right time when they are searching for the same thing. To find the correct information to craft exceptional and highly paid ads, you need to use some SEO tools to understand the workings of a search engine and which keywords are resulting in higher traffic than others.

Understanding What People are Searching For

There are a number of tools available that will show you what people are looking for when they are online by giving you an analysis of search results. The Google AdWords Keyword Tool is one of the most popular choices among marketers to start keyword research.

If you are able to find out which keywords are relevant to your business, you can quickly go through the master list of your keywords and can search for the ones that you wish to target with the paid ads on which you are currently working. There are different types of keywords, and it is essential for a marketer and a business owner to know about them when they will use them in their paid ads.

1. Generic Keywords

These are pretty generic in nature, as the name suggests. These keywords are made up of unspecific terms that people tend to search for online. For example, digital marketing services. Football cleats, cricket bats, and more. All of these examples will be termed as generic as they do not specify a specific brand, the price range, and other fields that are necessary for the search engine to pinpoint the exact result that you want.

When a marketer is trying to build an organic search strategy, they will typically stray away from these types of terms as they will bring traffic to the website, but that traffic will have no use in the first place. That is because it will have a low conversion rate as users who are visiting your website are very generic overarching topics and have nothing too specific to look for.

When running an SEM campaign, it is good practice to add some of them to ensure every traffic opportunity is covered. On the other hand, generic keywords have a lot of competition. As a result, they will have a much higher cost per click than the rest of the keywords. Generic keywords are a tough decision, and most marketers tend to avoid them unless you have the right website that suits these types of keywords and you have ample budget behind you to invest in the ads.

2. Broad Match Keywords

These keywords are the core of any SEO campaign or strategy. If we take the example of the above keywords, we need to add a specific field to search result small. Examples of digital marketing services in Delhi include Adidas football cleats and MRF cricket bats. These will give you a stronger opportunity and engagement with a generic term. You will receive good traffic when you optimize your website and create SEM campaigns for broad match terms.

That is because a broad match searcher has a specific item or content for which they are searching, and when you use them in your marketing campaign, they will help you with average conversions. These types of keywords are present right in the middle of things, and they are pretty popular due to the moderate competition, cost, and click-through rate.

3. Long Tail Keyword

Last is the long tail keyword, and these are basically the sentences that people type into the search engine. It could be something like, “What are the top 5 digital marketing companies in Delhi?” or “What are the best Adidas football cleats to buy under 10,000 Rs?” or “What type of MRF bat is best for boys aged 19?”All of these come under the umbrella of the long tail keyword. These will not bring in a large amount of traffic to your website.

But if you are getting traffic from a long-tail keyword, you will have a much higher conversion rate than the other two types of keywords. From the AdWords standpoint, these long-tail keywords are the ones that are most affordable to purchase, but you have to take the risk as traffic on these keywords might not be as abundant as the others.

Tips on how to Create a Successful Search Engine Marketing Campaign?

Below are some of the essential tips that will make your search engine marketing successful and give your website a significant boost so it can have better conversion rates and more visitors.

When creating a paid ad campaign, ensure you keep the keywords for the paid ads as specific as possible. We know there could be a desire to use broad terms to attain more traffic, but with using specific keywords, you are bringing the best of the traffic to your website.

Targeting local searches and area-based keywords is best if you sell products locally. Apart from this, if you plan to advertise in more than one country, creating a unique budget and keywords for each country would be better.

After selecting keywords for your ad, the final step is running AB split tests on the text ads to see which generates the most clicks and conversions.

The ads you are using to attract more customers to your website should also match the content of your website as well. The offers you use on the landing page should be the same as those you have shown in the ad. For the best continuity, you must use the same form of keywords.

The language you use and the colour and images should only convey one thing: your brand. Your ads have to be simple and on point with your brand’s presence in the online world.

Always use the power of negative keywords where you have to insert the keywords you don’t want to be searched for in the first place. Negative keywords are like filters to ensure your ads won’t show specific words, sentences, and more.

Seventhly, when creating an ad campaign for search engine marketing, always make sure that you are monitoring and analyzing the results your website has had due to those ads. This will help you determine whether your marketing investments are adequate or not.

Wrapping Up

This is what search engine marketing is all about; if you are new to its implementation, it may take some time for you to get the hang of it and improve your campaigns. Search engine marketing (SEM) is a crucial part of the online or digital marketing process. To get decent traffic from organic results without SEM, websites will have to wait at least five to six months.

This article is intended to assist you in the best way possible. If you have any more questions about SEM, please write them down in the comment section below, and we will provide you with an appropriate answer as soon as possible. Enjoy your learning until then!

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Simran Kaur

Simran works as a technical writer. The graduate in MS Computer Science from the well known CS hub, aka Silicon Valley, is also an editor of the website. She enjoys writing about any tech topic, including programming, algorithms, cloud, data science, and AI. Traveling, sketching, and gardening are the hobbies that interest her.

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